Election Day Ambivalence
It's election day and I'm feeling ambivalent about a lot of things. I don't usually blog from work so I'll make this quick. They're probably watching me. I think that I predicted that the Democrats would lose as a defense mechanism. It's the political equivalent of "I like Britney Spears, but it's ironic." I don't want to feel crushed again like 2004. After all of the passion and door knocking and screaming in the streets just to see it all slip away. I'm not emotionally prepared for that. But, if all of the Mainstream Media is predicting a Democratic victory, it would difficult for the vote riggers to get away with it. I'm ambivalent about what the democrats will actually do, if they win. Probably nothing.
But, mostly, I'm ambivalent about what to watch. It's election day and I haven't decided on which network to watch election coverage. And, more importantly, as it is Tuesday and there is a new Gilmore, I'm torn about whether to watch election coverage or Lorelai and Rory between 8 and 9 PM. Gilmore Girls is the happy little blanket of a blissful little idyllic world that I wrap myself in every week. All I will get from the election coverage is disappointment and a harsh reminder of the impossibility of change.
Those of you not addicted to television probably don't understand. You're probably thinking "What the hell is wrong with this guy?! It's the most important election in years and he is going to watch some guilty pleasure show?!" But you clearly don't understand TV addiction. I plan my life around TV. Right now, Wednesday and Friday are the only week nights for which I will make plans. If my friend Slegel at work lends me his Season 1 of Lost, I just might lose Wednesdays. I mean who ever heard of elections on a Tuesday? Well, don't answer that. But why, why would the CW play a new episode tonight? Just to torture me? Maybe, it's to keep those pop culture literate Gilmore fans from voting. No, that doesn't make sense, polls will be closed by then. Oh hell, that's not even the hardest decision I have to make today. I have to choose between voting for a woman-hating socially conservative scum bag and not voting for the Senate at all. It's the first election I have ever voted in when I did not know exactly who I was voting for going in. I guess Bob "Pro-Life Democrat" Casey will have to wait and see if I will help him defeat Rick "I'm so bad, they turned my last name into slang for a mixture of shit, lube and cum" Santorum. Decisions, decisions. Well, it is election day.
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