I hope I'm wrong but...
I'm wondering how it will play when the democrats lose on tuesday. Will it just be accepted? Will there be lots of stories about inaccuracy of polling and how America saw the Democrats true colors with Kerry's "remark" or "comment" or "botched joke" (i don't know why it hadn't occurred to me that he would somehow find a way to fuck up this election) and about just how shrewed Karl Rove really is? Maybe there will be a handful of stories about problems with polling here or there but no one will come out on TV and say it. It's fucking Diebold and ID cards and vote challenges but mostly its Diebold. When I worked at the California recall election doing whatever it is that the people who sit behind the table and find people's names do, the cable news shows had called the election for Schwarzenegger hours before I went to count headquarters to drop off the vote tallies. How did they know so early, before any results had been sent (we certainly weren't sending results throughout the day), before everyone had voted? Exit polls. No one questioned the exit polls then. It wasn't until Kerry was leading in Virginia and North Carolina early in the day did people start thinking maybe exit polls weren't so sharp. But CNN never came out and said maybe Diebold just fudged the numbers. Maybe Kerry did win all of those states it seemed like he was winning but then whoops the computer says different. I know I'm just inarticulating one of those wacko lefty conspiracy theories tbat plenty of others have put out there before. But i just dont know, everyone keeps saying the democrats are going to win and I can't see anyone (not John Kerry, not Karl Rove and not Mr. Diebold) letting that happen. I probably just choose to believe in a massive evil voting machine rigging conspiracy so that I can maintain just a shred of faith in humanity or Americans or whatever. So that I can continue to believe that all things being fair and equal that people wouldn't as a majority choose to move towards evil and mean-spiritedness and a culture of hate and fear and that some of those who were duped before and actually voted Republican would begin to see through their lies. The sad thing is that even if Anderson Cooper or Brian Williams or some other douche bag got on TV and told the American people th at there was definitive proof that the election had been rigged and that, despite that, the result would stand, no one would take to the streets. There would be no general strike, no riots, nothing. A few hundred protest hoppers would stage something in a few of the major cities, but nothing that would actually do anything. There would be no Orange Revolution here Here, we will say to our friend or coworker or whoever "Isn't that fucked up? I can't believe they did that! That is so fucked up." and then they will say "Yeah! Totally fucked up." and then we will go about watching 90210 or doing paperwork or fighting over whose turn it is to do the dishes. n fight
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I am any better. I will be the first one not to stand up and for what I say that I believe.
It's why the terrorists are winning and why the Republicans are winning and why the right wing zionists are gaining power in Israel and why most brutal autocrats remain in power until they fuck with the United States oil supplies. Because only the people doing evil are really passionate about their work. The rest of us are just trying to get by.
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